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Joined: 9 months ago
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Posted: 6 videos
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Favourites: 30 videos , 2 playlists
About me: What the hell is wrong with the awkward mentality of people on this super crappy website that seems to be broke 98 percent of the time HTML5 video with no foud errors, that people refuse to accept a friend request?? why decline? I don't want to be your friend and we don't know each other, this is Facebook boys, where just swapping dirty filthy porn. I can promise you that my collection is larger and or in this space than yours is and if it didn't take a freakin month for one video to process after you upload it and if another video played id upload more. if you want to exchange for your self-righteous friendship I'm happy to give you the key to my mega. But why did you refuse an inv? I don't understand why people do that. what could be the reason not to? why do people do that on this shit site? it's not Facebook I don't know you or want to be your friend I just want to exchange dirty porn with you. accept my inv man what the problem with doing that?

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